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Italian pizza in Odessa

Hot and passionate Italians are selective in all that relates to their lives. “Better to perfection can only excellence in Italian,” – they say. Applicable to this proverb, and a kitchen.

To create a traditional Mediterranean dishes at home spaghetti use only the highest quality products: ripe tomatoes, and more than a thousand kinds of fine wines, fresh meat and more than three hundred varieties of cheese. It is not accepted to save on food. A meal Italians are very fond of, and therefore they have a kitchen is very versatile, having hundreds of different colors and flavors.

Queen Italian feast dish, which is present on the table more often than a carafe of drinking water – it is Pizza. That it is a reflection of all the beautiful color mixing country. Dozens of ingredients mixed into one and become a true culinary masterpiece. The real Italian pizza will delight even the most demanding gourmet.

Bellissimo! Perfetto! You want to cry after visiting Olio pizza. Olio pizza – is a highlight among the Italian

restaurants and pizzerias in Odessa. And all because that was created in the best traditions of Italian pizza.

In the first place, an open kitchen, where “everything on the show,” and the only one in Ukraine Italian oven pizza which

baked on a rotating stone. Of course, we will offer you a real spaghetti, lasagna, ravioli, fettuccini, focaccia,

risotto, tiramisu and many other delicious Italian dishes, without which it is impossible to imagine Italy.

And thanks to the colorful interior, noisy and friendly atmosphere, you will feel the real taste of Italy!

We are pleased to invite you to the place where interesting and tasty.

We are sure – you’ll like it!

Buon Appetito!

Classic Culinary Arts

Originating in one of the Italian provinces, Pizza quickly gained popularity both at home and abroad. Since then it has changed its appearance, and components have become much more refined: hardly poor Italian shepherds could afford succulent seafood or several kinds of sausages.

Dough, on the contrary, become more thin and fried, it began to be impregnated with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, sprinkle with spices. And traveling to France, the pizza has absorbed the flavor of Provence herbs, which are now using the best cooks. Is pizza converts modernity – yes, if we are talking about the dishes that are served in restaurants, which all comply with high quality standards and strictly follow the national recipes. So delicious and flavorful Italian pizza in Odessa, which you will taste in Olio Pizza, characterized by natural aroma and a variety of fillings, each of which – a full-fledged culinary masterpiece.

On the other hand, the frantic pace of life in big cities literally forced their residents to love fast food meal. Three to five minutes in the microwave or oven – and dinner is ready.

Various chemical additives and flavor enhancers make this food is quite pleasant to the taste, but the quality will suffer.

Semi-finished products in the form of pizza has little to do with real Italian dish. Frozen vegetables and chunks of salami never awarded a dish rich taste and aroma of natural juice of fresh sausages and cheese spread, for which many and loved the pizza, will resemble a tattered cloth.

This pizza is cooked in a special oven at the old Italian recipe:

  •  It is not only delicious, but also useful
  •  surprised by the wealth of taste
  •  It has an incredibly appetizing appearance and flavor, from which salivate excessively
  •  like even the most picky guests
  •  It is prepared for you with love in Olio Pizza restaurant.

Italian pizza in Odessa – a worthy replacement of fast food

Many love the pizza and its wonderful taste, and for the opportunity to try new combinations of familiar ingredients and quick cooking. However, a truly delicious dish will submit to the table is only a true professional.

Italian pastry silly to compare with a ready base for pizza and a real cheese, imported directly from the country where worked Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci, it is unlikely to rival the cheaper Russian.

How to be, if you go to a restaurant you do not want to cook – no time, and the famine prevailed? To go to the store, buy a frozen pizza and heating it in a microwave oven, a horror to look at what you got?

It is much easier to order the dish home. Delicious and juicy, real Italian pizza in Odessa right to your table. This is only possible with Olio Pizza. Superb restaurant quality meals and incredibly fast delivery – the pizza will not have time to cool down to the time of arrival to your home or office.

The friendly operators and the most active carriers – an important component of a great team that every day feeds residents stunning Italian cuisine. Better delicious pizza can only be a delicious pizza from the Italian Olio.

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